Hello all, it's late and I am tired but I will say something. My name is David Coallier-Lalonde and I currently am a PHP/Perl/Python/VB programmer for the company I work for.
About me: I'm a 18 years old programmer who's working in a company since I'm 17. I like it and enjoy it. I like to give a great help to the Open-Source Community since I believe that the knowledge sharing is a great power that we should exploit. I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I'm starting my company which will involve Web Application(PHP/Perl), Database maintenance, Server/network setup. So if you need any free hosting with php, mysql it's time to ask me before I have too many requests. What else ? I'm lonely, wear glasses and euh.. I have asthma. I'm passionated about networking, security and php.
Got a question, don't hesitate to email me or ask on #linuxnewbie on
- I'm passionate which can be sometimes bad, sometimes good..
- So my languages are:
* PHP * Perl * Python * C/C++/Java --> all those before I start working where I work.
- Known dbms
* I currently work with: * MySQL * MSSQL * I know some PostGreSQL but since MySQL 5 has stored procs, I don't need it.
- Distros
* Using Debian for servers ( About 8 production servers, 5 testing servers and some random crap. ) * Slackware for desktops. ( Laptop, desktop ) one Slackware Server * One Gentoo server * I used: Redhat 8, 9, FC1, Gentoo, Mandrake, Ubuntu, Knoppix
-> Reach me on #linuxnewbie @ undernet && #mysql @
- clrscr() for linux ? do it like this..
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("\014"); } // EOF