Doing a fresh install

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Please refer to the INSTALL file in the eventum tarball for detailed information about the installation process.


The INSTALL file for Eventum 1.5.3 is cut-n-pasted below:

Installation Process

Installation is pretty simple and quick. Eventum already bundles the libraries that it needs to work properly:

  • JpGraph 1.5.3 [last GPL version]
  • Smarty 2.3.0 ([ttp://]
  • PEAR packages
  • dTree 2.0.5 [1]
  • dynCalendar.js [2]
  • overLIB 3.5.1 [3]
  • A few other small javascript libraries

Anyway, all you should have to do is place the Eventum files in a directory that is viewable from the web, and open it up with your browser. Eventum should redirect you to the installation screen, and it will try to guess some of required parameters, like path in the server and etc.

If Eventum's installation script finds that it needs a few directories or permissions changed, it will print the warnings before actually displaying the installation screen. So just fix what it says it's wrong/missing and everything should go well.

After the installation is done, you should go and take all of the available privileges from the '/setup' directory, so other people are not allowed to go in there and mess with your configuration.

IMPORTANT: If you already have an installation of Eventum, please read the UPGRADE file.

IMPORTANT: If you are having trouble getting Eventum to work, please read the trouble shooting section of the FAQ file.

Setting Up The Required Cron Scripts

1)- Mail Queue Process (misc/process_mail_queue.php)

Beginning with the first release of Eventum, emails are not directly sent out from the various scripts, but rather added to a mail queue table that is processed by a cron job. If an email cannot be sent, it will be marked as such in the mail queue log, and the cron job script will re-try to send it again the next time it runs.

* * * * * cd /path-to-eventum/misc; /usr/bin/php -q process_mail_queue.php

The above line will run the mail queue script every minute. To setup the SMTP server that Eventum should use to send these queued emails, go to:

Administration >>> General Setup > SMTP (Outgoing Email) Settings

2)- Email Download (misc/download_emails.php)

In order for Eventum's email integration feature to work, you need to setup a cron job to run the script above every so often. The following is an example of the required crontab line:

0 * * * * cd /path-to-eventum/misc; /usr/bin/php -q download_emails.php username_here INBOX

The above will run the command every hour, and will download emails associated with the given email account. If you have more than one email account, you may add another crontab entry for the other accounts. To setup the email integration feature with the appropriate email accounts, go to:

Administration >>> Manage Email Accounts

You can also call the download_emails script via the web, using the following URL: http://eventum_server/path-to-eventum/misc/download_emails.php?username=username_here&

3)- Reminder System (misc/check_reminders.php)

The reminder system was designed with the objective as serving as a safe net for issues that need attention. Depending on what configuration you create, you may have several reminders (or alerts) be sent out whenever an issue needs attention, for whatever parameter you may deem necessary.

*/10 * * * * cd /path-to-eventum/misc; /usr/bin/php -q check_reminders.php

It is recommended that you run the reminder cron job every 10 minutes, so it won't flood you with alerts too often, but it would still be enough to handle most cases.

4)- Heartbeat Monitor (misc/monitor.php)

The heartbeat monitor is a feature designed for the administrator that wants to be alerted whenever a common problem in Eventum is detected, like the database server not being available anymore, or maybe when the recommended permissions for certain configuration files are changed. Please note that before running the heartbeat monitor, you may need to customize some of the checks to be appropriate for your own system, particularly the permission and file checks on Monitor::checkConfiguration().

*/10 * * * * cd /path-to-eventum/misc; /usr/bin/php -q monitor.php

Other Features Requiring System Setup

Note: Starting with Eventum 1.5.2 there is a new way of routing emails,notes and drafts. You will need to setup up a wild card address to route all messages that should be in eventum (usually issue-<number>@<domain>, note-<number>@<domain> and draft-<number>@<domain>) to an email account. Then add that email account to eventum by going to the email account administration page:

 Administration >>> Manage Email Accounts

When setting up the account, check 'Use account for email/note/draft routing'. Once the account is added, set the account to be downloaded as describe above (2)- Email Download).

1)- Email Routing Script (misc/route_emails.php)

The email routing feature is used to automatically associate a thread of emails into an Eventum issue. By setting up qmail (or even postfix) to deliver emails sent to a specific address (usually issue-<number>@<domain>) to the above script, users are able to use their email clients to reply to emails coming from Eventum, and those replies will be automatically associated with the issue and broadcasted to the entire notification list.

The entire email message should be passed as standard input to the script, and the only parameter to it should be email account to which this email should be associated with. The following is an example of a successful run of this script:

cat example_email.txt | php -q route_emails.php 1

This script also saves any routed messages it receives in a separate directory, so you would never lose emails. Create a 'routed_emails' sub-directory under /path-to-eventum/misc/ and setup the proper permission bits on it.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that depending on the MDA that you are using (qmail, postfix or whatever), you may need to manually change the exit codes used in this script to handle the proper signals to the MDA. For example, postfix uses exit code 78 to signal a configuration problem, but other agents may need different exit codes.

2)- Note Routing Script (misc/route_notes.php)

The note routing feature is used to automatically associate a thread of notes into an Eventum issue. By setting up qmail (or even postfix) to deliver emails sent to a specific address (usually note-<number>@<domain>) to the above script, users are able to use their email clients to reply to internal notes coming from Eventum, and those replies will be automatically associated with the issue and broadcasted to the notification list staff members.

The entire email message should be passed as standard input to the script. The following is an example of a successful run of this script:

cat example_note_email.txt | php -q route_notes.php

This script also saves any routed messages it receives in a separate directory, so you would never lose notes. Create a 'routed_notes' sub-directory under /path-to-eventum/misc/ and setup the proper permission bits on it.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that depending on the MDA that you are using (qmail, postfix or whatever), you may need to manually change the exit codes used in this script to handle the proper signals to the MDA. For example, postfix uses exit code 78 to signal a configuration problem, but other agents may need different exit codes.

3)- IRC Notification Bot (misc/irc/bot.php)

The IRC notification bot is a nice feature for remote teams that want to handle issues and want to have a quick and easy way to get simple notifications. Right now the bot notifies of the following actions:

- New Issues
- Blocked emails
- Issues that got their assignment list changed

To invoke the notification bot and let it running on the server, this is the proper command:

php -q bot.php &

NOTE: You will need to manually edit the bot.php script to set your appropriate preferences, like IRC server and channel that the bot should join.

4)- Command-line Interface (misc/cli/eventum)

The Eventum command-line interface allows you to access most of the features of the web interface straight from your command shell. In order to install it, you will need PHP and if you use SSL, the curl and openssl PHP extensions.

Assuming you have the requirements properly setup::

- Just copy the path-to-eventum/misc/cli directory to another location (i.e.
  copy to ~/bin/)
- Add that location to your PATH environment variable
- Set the required permission in the script (chmod 700 ~/bin/cli/eventum)
- Copy the new .eventumrc example file to your home directory
  (cp ~/bin/cli/eventumrc_example ~/.eventumrc)
  -> Edit ~/.eventumrc and set the appropriate values in there
- Run it (eventum --help)
- Test it with 'eventum 1' (display issue #1 details)