Auto Increment FAQ

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How do I get the last inserted auto_increment value?


What if someone else inserts before I select my id?

LAST_INSERT_ID() is connection specific, so there is no problem from race conditions.

How do I get the next value to be inserted?

You don't. Insert, then find out what you did with LAST_INSERT_ID().

How do I change what number auto_increment starts with?

ALTER TABLE yourTable AUTO_INCREMENT = x; -- Next insert will contain x or MAX(autoField) + 1, whichever is higher or INSERT INTO yourTable (autoField) VALUES (x); -- Next insert will contain x+1 or MAX(autoField) + 1, whichever is higher

How do I renumber rows once I've deleted some in the middle?

Typically, you don't want to. Gaps are hardly ever a problem; if your application can't handle gaps in the sequence, you probably should rethink your application.

Can I do group-wise auto_increment?

Yes, if you use the MyISAM engine. See the manual for an example.

How do I get the auto_increment value in a BEFORE INSERT trigger?

You don't. It's only available after insert.

How do I assign two fields the same auto_increment value in one query?

You can't, not even with an AFTER INSERT trigger. Insert, then go back and update using LAST_INSERT_ID(). Those two statements could be wrapped into one stored procedure if you wish.

Does the auto_increment field have to be primary key?

No, it only has to be indexed. It doesn't even have to be unique.