GUI Front Ends

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Rekall comes in two flavors. RekallRevealed is released under the GPL licence. TotalRekall has some features not included in RekallRevealed. Connecting to MySQL is very straightforward.



OpenOffices's Base can be used as a front end for MySQL. Connecting to MySQL is a little difficult to setup. Even when you have got it talking to MySQL you may have problems in that OpenOffice may wrongly assume that you do not have write priveleges to a database and open it read only. There are workarounds for this problem.You also may have to set the character coding manually as Open Office is poor at detecting the character coding of the database.

Once you have solved these initial problems it should give you all the features you could want from a front end.


OpenOffice forum on their database

Advanced Data Source Settings GUI should sort out any problems connecting to MySQL